Youth Service Trip 2024

Leading VBS for 25 years

In June 2024, 25 youth along with 13 adult counselors traveled to the Upper Peninsula to serve the community in and around L’Anse, Michigan. For 25 years now, FUMC youth have led Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Zeba United Methodist Church’s outdoor chapel for the children in L’Anse. This year they expanded their service to the community.

Serving in L’Anse

FUMC youth contributed to VBS by planning and leading the daily lessons with singing, drama, crafts and games. In addition, youth worked on local hands-on service projects for the church. This included repairing and painting a cookhouse and scraping and re-painting an attached building at the Zeba church.

Growing in faith

When the youth weren’t working, they traveled around the area taking in the beauty with waterfall hikes, wandering around the Keweenaw Peninsula, swimming in Lake Superior and just enjoying each other’s company. They had a wonderful week of growing in faith while serving others!

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This journey helped me realize just how important my faith is and just how much it can help and change others’ lives. 


Grade 10

I know more people better and I’ve had a great experience working with children and I saw many beautiful things and people.


Grade 6