October 8, 2023 – Reconnecting the Grace-full Body: Streets of Gold Need More than Wax

October 8, 2023 – Reconnecting the Grace-full Body: Streets of Gold Need More than Wax

When Paul uses the metaphor “the Body of Christ” to mean the Church, he talks about eyes and hands and feet. These have fairly obvious functions, but not every part of the body (or the Body) does. What does it mean to do ministry as a treasurer, or an administrator, or a custodian? How can you serve with the gifts God has given you even if they aren’t as well-mentioned as those of an eye or a foot, a preacher or a teacher?  In this series, we’ll unpack not only what is already happening in ministry here but also how many different opportunities God calls us to consider with the entirety of the Body working together in faith.

It is so easy to think of buildings when we think of “church,” and so easy to say “anything but the building” when we think of church. Yet the places we call sanctuaries are places; they need care, repair, and attention the same as anything else. In our ongoing series about gifts within the Body of Christ, we’ll talk about how we treat our sacred places as sacred, and how God calls us to consider what makes a place holy. 

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October 8, 2023