Memorial Garden

Established Nov. 8, 1981

Genesis 2:7 – “Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life… and to dust we shall return.”

Through its Memorial Garden, First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor offers a means of proclaiming our faith and serving those in need. A committee was formed in 1979 to establish a garden to be located on the south side of the building. Formal consecration was Nov. 8, 1981.

The process for interment prescribes that each person’s ashes will be buried directly in the soil in a separate, undesignated location within the walls of the garden. At the time of interment, a short prayer service will be conducted by a minister and witnessed by a member of the Memorial Garden Committee. Family members and friends are welcome to be present at this ceremony. Interments are generally scheduled from April through October but can be conducted during the rest of the year as the weather permits. Names of the interred are inscribed on the Garden Wall. The number of interments is now close to 400.

When viewing the virtual wall, please use control F (or command F) to find a name, or sort by columns.

Interment Process and Fees

For questions, please contact the church office at 734-662-4536 or


  • Arranged when church notified of death.
  • Normally scheduled during warmer months.
  • Ceremony conducted by clergy with family/friends.
  • Ashes placed directly in the earth within the garden walls.


May be prepaid to fix the price. Fees reviewed at annual committee meeting.

  • FUMC members: $350
  • Non-members: $650

Fees includes:

  • Interment ceremony.
  • Inscription of name/dates on.
  • Garden wall.
  • Perpetual maintenance.

Does not include:

  • Cost of cremation.
  • Separate memorial service.

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