Welcome to the home page of the Endowment Ministry Team of First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor. As a member or friend of FUMC, you may have a favorite program or activity at the church that is especially meaningful to you. It may be a music program, youth activity, adult ministry, outreach program or one of the many other activities of FUMC. This site will help you find ways to establish your legacy to FUMC and thereby help to assure these programs and more will be there to support others for generations to come.
The Mission of the Endowment Ministry Team is to receive gifts and bequests that enhance the work of the First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor by supporting existing ministries and establishing new ministries in the church and worldwide. Emphasis is placed on:
– Education of Youth
– Life enrichment for all ages
– Mission outreach of the congregation
– Enhancement of our facilities
All of these in fulfillment of our congregation’s mission to find, grow, and send disciples for Jesus Christ.
John Dahl (chairperson), jedwardd20@gmail.com
George Gilligan, gilligangeorge6@gmail.com
Bill Houghton, whoughton@aol.com
Bill Seitz, billseitz@gmail.com
Leo Shedden (secretary), lksjcs@comcast.net
Richard Thiele, mtheile@hotmail.com
Rev. Nancy S. Lynn, nancy@fumc-a2.org
The First United Methodist Church Endowment Fund was created in 1987 and exists solely for the charitable efforts of our downtown and Green Wood sites. The object of the Fund is the promotion and development of religious, charitable and educational activities. The Fund receives and holds bequests made to the church unless otherwise specifically designated.
Members of the Endowment Ministry Team are elected by the annual church conference. They oversee the operation, maintenance and investment of the Endowment and Trust Funds to enhance their current income and long term growth.
Distributions from the Endowment Fund are used by FUMC for recommended projects/purposes with oversight from the FUMC Trustees and approval by the FUMC Leadership Council.
When you leave a legacy to the Endowment Fund in your trust or will, it is never depleted. Only the income from the investment of your gift is used to meet the needs of the church. Your gift becomes a permanent legacy to the many programs and services of FUMC, helping to assure they are in place to serve those who come after us. Your generosity of spirit serves to enrich all who benefit from your gift for generations to come.
- Think about the ministries and work of this church. Are there programs and services, such as music, youth, and outreach, that you want to see live beyond you? Do you want to make sure funds are in place for the continued care and expansion of our beautiful downtown and Green Wood sites? Would you like to establish a scholarship to fund a special type of youth or education program?
- If you need more information as you make your decision, contact one of our Pastors or a member of the Endowment Ministry Team. They will help you better understand how your gift can accomplish your wishes and intent.
- Contact your financial, tax or legal advisor for help. Your advisor can make sure that you are getting the maximum tax and legal advantages allowed for your gift.
Outright Gifts
Outright gifts are transfers of cash, securities, or other property. Because they immediately go to work, outright gifts have a direct impact on church programs.
Gifts of Cash
The most common and often the simplest gift to make.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Long term appreciated securities can provide special tax advantages. These include a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the gift and avoidance of capital gains taxes.
Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of real property can receive the same tax treatment as gifts of appreciated securities.
Gifts in Kind
You may wish to give FUMC a personal possession of special interest. Special tax rules apply to such gifts, so it is important to discuss such a gift with your tax counsel.
Memorial or Tribute Gifts
Any gift may be donated in memory or honor of a friend or loved one. The family of the deceased, or person honored, will be notified of such gifts.
Bequest by Will or Living Trust
The most common form of deferred or planned gift is a charitable bequest. A will or living trust is a very personal matter and should be prepared with an attorney.
Gifts with Retained Interest
By retaining an interest in your gift to FUMC, you can continue to hold certain rights in it until it is conveyed to FUMC. When you make such a gift, you have the pleasure of knowing that plans you make today will eventually help support the church and programs that have been especially important to you.
Life Income Gifts
With gifts such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust, the donor makes an irrevocable gift and receives income for either life or a specified term of years. When the specified period ends, the remaining amount goes to FUMC.
Charitable Lead Trust
This type of charitable trust pays FUMC a fixed amount or percentage of an asset for a term of years. Thereafter, the assets are passed on to your loved ones.
Gifts of Life Insurance
You may want to consider naming FUMC as beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Retirement Plan Gifts
You may wish to designate FUMC as the primary or contingent beneficiary of a private pension fund (e.g. IRA, SEP, 401(k), 403(b), profit sharing plan). Simply designate FUMC as beneficiary on your “Beneficiary Designation” form.
Gifts with Retention of a Life Estate
You may bequeath your home to FUMC, while retaining the right to occupy, rent or otherwise use the property during your lifetime.
Do I have to include my wish to leave a gift to FUMC in my will?
Yes – You should specify your intention to leave a gift through a will or trust, or by designating FUMC as a beneficiary of life insurance or retirement benefits. Without a will, your property and finances are settled according to state laws which may not coincide with family wishes.
Must I have a sizeable estate in order to leave a gift?
No – An “estate” is simply a term used to describe any property, money or belongings that you may have no matter their size. Anyone can arrange to leave a charitable gift from their estate when they pass away.
How do I leave a gift to FUMC?
Although you can leave a gift in several ways, the most common is via a will. Many people set aside a certain dollar amount. Others leave a percentage of assets, or any assets left over after the family has been provided for. Some people give property while others leave a life insurance policy, charitable trust, or other financial investments.
Who can help me arrange for a gift?
Talk with your financial advisor, lawyer, accountant, insurance agent or trust officer about leaving a gift to FUMC.
How do I leave a gift in memory of a person or for a specified purpose?
A gift is a wonderful way to recognize someone who has made a difference in your life. You may also want to give to a specific cause within the church. This kind of memorial gift can be arranged in your will or trust the same way you would leave a personal gift.
Do I tell FUMC that I plan to leave a gift?
The FUMC Endowment Brochure located in the church pew racks provides added information on this topic. Whether or not you let the church know of your plan is your decision.
What other policies should I keep in mind?
Please consult our Contribution Policy for additional information provided by our Finance Committee on giving to the church.
Please call the church office at : 734-662-4536 or contact any Pastor or member of the Endowment Ministry Team for additional information.