Food Insecurity Advocacy Month
April 2021
Food Insecurity Advocacy and Awareness Month
As Christians, we can stand to affirm every person’s right to food, to have a nutritionally adequate diet to lead a healthy life.
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
Educational Opportunities
Where Are We in the Fight Against Food Insecurity?
Sunday, April 18, 9-10 a.m. via Zoom
Susan Aaronson, M.A., R.D., U-M School of Public Health
Did you know that levels of food insecurity were at a record low in 2020 prior to the pandemic? With high levels of unemployment, school closures, limited food availability and supply chain issues, we are now experiencing food insecurity as high as 30%.
Join us on Sunday, April 18 to learn more about vulnerable populations, social determinants of health, improvements to food access and federal and local programs that assist the food insecure in this interactive conversation with Susan Aaronson. Susan is a registered dietitian and lecturer in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the U-M School of Public Health. She teaches an undergraduate course titled Hunger in America and a graduate course on food science. Susan also is on the board of directors at both Food Gatherers and Ypsilanti Meals on Wheels.
This opportunity is offered by the FUMC Mind the Gap group.
Join Zoom meeting here.
Meeting ID: 252 256 0706
Check further below for a variety of educational resources for adults, teenagers and children.
Advocacy Opportunities
Offering of Letters, Bread for the World
March 28 – May 2
How you can help – send letters or emails! This is an opportunity to send a letter or email to your Senators and Representatives asking them to improve and fund programs that help recipients out of poverty and become more food secure.
It is easy to write – you will find instructions and sample letters here. We have learned that handwritten postal letters have the most impact, but we know that all letters and emails make a difference. We will also have letters and envelopes ready for you to pick up during Communion pick-up times in April and May.
The need is urgent. Almost 14% of residents in Washtenaw County struggle with food insecurity or hunger. We have 50 million people facing hunger in the U.S., and it is estimated that one in four children could face hunger this year. We know that the pandemic has impacted many people’s ability to work and economic stability; we can advocate for safety net programs and support.
Children can be involved. Invite them to write their own letters or draw pictures to be included with your letters to Congress. Younger children could color and write a note using page two of this document.
Thank you for advocating for adults and children experiencing food insecurity and hunger!
Opportunities to Support Programs that Provide Food
Troop 4/Tim Esch Scouting for Food Drive is Troop 4’s annual food drive supporting the work of Food Gatherers. You can help by donating food items on Saturday, May 1 from 3:30-4 p.m. at Greenwood (same time as Holy Communion elements pick up) or by providing financial support. Troop 4 has been associated with FUMC since 1917.
Here’s how you can help:
- Bring non-perishable food donations to Greenwood (1001 Green Road, Ann Arbor) on Saturday, May 1 from 3:30-4 p.m. You can find a list of most requested items here.
- Donate to Food Gatherers using a credit or debit card through the Tim Esch & Troop 4 Scouting for Food campaign page at Food Gatherers.
- Mail a check to Food Gatherers, PO Box 131037, Ann Arbor, MI 48113. Make the check out to “Food Gatherers” and write “Troop 4/Tim Esch” on the memo line.
View a flyer here about the Scouting for Food drive.
L.O.V.E. Thy Neighbor is a local outreach of FUMC addressing a need for meals among hungry people in our community. In conjunction with the St. Andrew’s Breakfast Program, multiple times a week, we provide bags filled with a variety of non-perishable ready-to-eat food to those in need of assistance. Right now, the best way to support this outreach is to support the program financially. Learn more about L.O.V.E. Thy Neighbor here. We are a Food Gatherers Partner Program.
Contact: Jodi Kozma or Hal Brannan
Hope Clinic is located in Ypsilanti and provides free care for the whole person, offering “Medical, Dental, Food and Care + Prayer in Jesus’ Name.” Hope Clinic offers hot “to-go” meals to clients every evening except for Wednesdays and Fridays. Two FUMC groups help prepare and serve these dinners at Hope Clinic: Youth, led by Melanie Snook, every second and fifth Sunday and Mind the Gap, led by Mark Giesler, on the fourth Thursday. Others from FUMC help organize food in their pantry and do other volunteer jobs. You can learn more about Hope Clinic here. Check back to this page; we hope to post specific items that you could donate. View Hope Clinic’s general list of needed items here.
Contact: Melanie Snook or Mark Giesler
Community Action Network (CAN) provides educational and enrichment programs for children and they also provide supportive services for families who are under-resourced in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti area. At the start of the pandemic CAN pivoted quickly to become a major food distribution access point and all their locations have some sort of pantry access. Right now, monetary donations help buy food for their pantries and during the Summer months we can possibly consider a cereal drive and other ways to support their outdoor summer camp. Learn more about CAN here.
Contact: Chris Nelson
St. Andrew’s Breakfast Program
The St. Andrew’s Breakfast Program has been serving breakfast since 1982, and they welcome guests for breakfast 365 days a year. Right now, during the pandemic, they are serving carry-out breakfast. You can learn more about the program here.
2021 Ann Arbor CROP Hunger Walk
Save the date: Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021
Educational Activities and Resources About Food Insecurity
View this document to see suggested activities and resources.