Freezer Pop Day

Downtown Campus of First United Methodist Church 120 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Drop by on the Wesley Lawn in the shade as we enjoy popsicles and connecting with each other in the summertime!

Disability Awareness Talks

Downtown Campus of First United Methodist Church or Zoom 120 S State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan

On Sunday, July 28 the Disability Awareness Talks continue with the topic “Disability in the Movies.”

Happiness Happens Day 

Downtown Campus of First United Methodist Church 120 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Stop by as we enjoy an informal time of connecting with each other in the summertime.

Event Series Disability Awareness Talks

Disability Awareness Talks

Downtown Campus of First United Methodist Church or Zoom 120 S State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Join us to learn and share about the challenges that people with all sorts of disabilities and struggles encounter and also the gifts that they offer.

Community Reconnect at First UMC

Downtown Campus of First United Methodist Church 120 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Connect with us on Sept. 22 on the Wesley Lawn after worship for food, fellowship and games.

Event Series Open Table Tuesdays

Open Table Tuesdays

Open Table Tuesday: Conversations about Faith and the Bible This friendly group studies the Bible together weekly at lunch time on Tuesday - you are welcome to bring your lunch, […]

Event Series Disability Awareness Talks

Disability Awareness Talks

Downtown Campus of First United Methodist Church or Zoom 120 S State St., Ann Arbor, Michigan

Join us to learn and share about the challenges that people with all sorts of disabilities and struggles encounter and also the gifts that they offer.