Church Volunteer Opportunities

Downtown Worship Volunteers
  • Greet people as they arrive at church on Sunday mornings.
  • Help livestream our Sunday service (no prior experience is needed).
Connections Volunteers
Help host Connections on Sundays. Connections offers a time and place for people to connect, reconnect, and embrace the welcoming environment of FUMC.
Children’s Ministry Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to be part of a long tradition of excellent children’s programming.
Access Helpers
Help newcomers or those with mobility issues to navigate our building and parking lot safely and comfortably. Access helpers are another way of living out our church statement to welcome all people regardless of abilities or disabilities.

Before the service:

  • Be alert to those who could possibly use a little extra help and always ask before assisting.
  • Help with unloading or traversing curbs/sidewalks.
  • Open the heavy promenade door or assist with west entry doors.
  • Help by giving directions for parking. Point out parking spaces that are available (hopefully there will be some). Help save our handicapped spaces for those who need them. If our lot is full, explain other parking options. Inform attendees that street parking, the parking structure and the Air Garage spots in our lot are all free during Sunday services.
  • If needed, help anyone with limited mobility to navigate through the crowded entry area, to the restrooms, to the sanctuary.
  • Point out the easiest route to our elevator.
  • Introduce visitors/attendees to an usher who can help with getting a regular or large print bulletin or help with finding a seat.
  • Point out the accessible seats in the sanctuary. These seats include the aisle halfway back where a pew has been removed. This area has chairs with side arms and spaces that have been left open to store a wheelchair, walker or scooter. The back section of the sanctuary has half pews, leaving space for those requiring mobility devices.
  • Invite those with hearing or vision limitations to sit at the front of the sanctuary. Point out devices are available at the tables near the sanctuary entrances to help with hearing the service better.
  • Know where first aid kits are located: in the usher’s closet in the narthex, on the wall near the ramp to the social hall and upstairs across from the church office.
  • Listen to any questions that come up and assist in other ways as needed. Please remember that inside greeters and ushers are also a valuable resource in making folks feel welcome too.

At Connections:

  • Be alert to help anyone who might have trouble carrying a beverage or snack. Help someone with limited strength, balance or endurance to navigate their way to find a seat through a crowded space in the social hall or on the uneven ground of the Wesley Lawn when we move outside for Lemonade on the Lawn.
Green Wood Worship Volunteers
Clean up before Saturday worship; set up; take down; run the sound system; contribute snacks; greet and check in with people; and to close up the building when worship is over. We will provide the training!


  • Unlock building
  • Sweep floor as needed


  • Distribute bulletins and direct newcomers
  • Count number of people
  • Assist in maintaining order as needed
  • Collect and package offering
  • Give offering package to pastor

Sound equipment

  • Set up microphones and sound board
  • Operate sound board during worship as needed
  • Tear down and store microphones and sound board after service

Slide operator

  • Obtain laptop and connect to video display
  • Operate slides
  • Secure laptop at end of worship

Potluck organizers

  • Determine menu
  • Organize donated dishes for balance
  • Follow up reminders (send email to donors)

Close up building after worship

  • Close up and lock building per side door instructions
Please also consider filling out the church interests and skills inventory here so we know what you like to do.