Advent Tea Grounds Us in a Busy Season

Being mindful during Advent

FUMC held their 10th annual Advent Tea in December at Green Wood. The seed for Advent Tea goes back 20 years when an FUMC group named Wowmoms met weekly to support each other in parenting and to study how to live faithfully as Christ followers. It was noticed that young moms were feeling stressed during the holidays, so a program named “Unplug the Christmas Machine” was offered to help those moms not to feel overwhelmed. In 2013 a Disciple Bible study group was invited to an Advent Tea held at Dexter UMC. This lovely event also focused on being mindful during Advent and inspired some of those Wowmoms to bring a tea to FUMC.

10 years of tea

In 2014 FUMC created the first Advent Tea event. The goal was that the event would not ask too much of anyone, but with the help of many hands, would help decrease that frazzled feeling during Advent. We have continued to offer this event on the first Saturday in December. Over time, the event and the planning team has grown.

Food, music & scripture

What happens at Advent Tea? Hospitality around festive tables welcomes attendees. Tasty food feeds them. Musical offerings convey beauty and calm. Scripture readings pass along ancient wisdom. As the Advent candles are lit, speakers share a story from their own lives telling where they have seen hope, love, joy or peace.

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