
Confirmation is the time in a student’s life when they claim faith for themselves. Through Confirmation, students have the opportunity to explore their faith by asking questions, digging deeper, serving others, and learning more about God and the Church.

Our confirmation program is a two-year process that begins at the start of seventh grade. Eighth graders who have met the expectations for class attendance, worship attendance, and participation in service opportunities and youth group activities are eligible to be confirmed at the close of the school year. We aim to provide the faith foundation needed to prepare them for their life journey. The youth are typically welcomed into the congregation as full members during our confirmation Sunday in late spring.

Expectations for Youth

So, what are the minimum guidelines for the two-year path to confirmation? We turn to FUMC’s Journey Statement for guidance: Know God. Love Others. Serve the World.

Know God

  • Sol Café Explorers Class Attendance: 2/3 participation minimum (yes, attendance is taken.)
  • Attend Worship (downtown, 9:30 service) at least six times. (Be sure to record your attendance.)

Love Others

  • Attend Sunday evening youth fellowship (UMYF) at least four times.
  • Attend two retreats (either fall, spring SoulFull, or family camp.)
  • Experience at least two visits to other faith communities.

Serve the World

  • Participate in a minimum of 8 hours of service work associated with this church. During quarantine, we encourage exploring the options in FUMC’s Summer of Service.

Families should keep track of service hours and report them to

Expectations for Parents

Parent support and involvement is a large key to the success of this youth program! Reported in the book Sticky Faith (© 2011) “…research in the sociology of religion suggests that the most important social influence in shaping young people’s religious lives is the religious life modeled and taught to them by their parents.” (Based on a nationwide telephone survey of over 3,000 teens and their parents.)

Parents are highly encouraged to continue the faith conversations at home. We will send home ideas to jumpstart the conversation. Sticky Faith reports that only about 12% of teens have regular faith/life issues dialogues with their mom, and only about 5% have them with their dad.

Our goal in youth ministry is not to teach your children what to think, but to teach them how to think…giving them tools (such as the Wesley Quadrilateral: scripture-reason-tradition-experience) and opportunities to practice and build their skills.

Thank you for making your children’s spiritual growth a priority in your family life. Please email if you have any questions about the confirmation process.