Welcoming the Wildmans!

Saturday & Sunday | Feb. 3 & 4







Terry and Darlene Wildman are the Grammy nominated and Nammy Award winning musical duo RainSong. Terry is the project manager for the 1st Nations New Testament, a new translation of the Sacred Scriptures by and for the Indigenous Peoples of North Americans.

As RainSong Terry and Darlene travel North America and abroad, teaching, storytelling, sharing their music at First Nations gatherings, on Reservations, and also at churches and conferences.

Schedule for the Wildmans Visit:

  • Saturday, Feb. 3, 5 p.m.: Wildmans lead Green Wood worship. Stay for a potluck after worship! Bring a side dish or dessert (hot dogs, mac & cheese, drinks and tableware provided).
  • Sunday, Feb. 4, 10 a.m.: Wildmans participate in Downtown worship.
  • Sunday, Feb. 4 6-8 p.m.: Wildmans lead youth group (all congregation members invited to join). Sign up here.

“We are dedicating our time and the gifts Creator has given us to serve the First Nations People of North America; working and praying to see dignity and harmony restored to individuals, families, clans, and tribal nations. We believe that the message of Creator’s Son Jesus is for all people and will transform the lives of all who follow Him. But we also believe that the message must be embraced within the context of every culture to be effective.”

The primary purpose of Rain Ministries is to encourage Indigenous Peoples to realize and fulfill the destiny the Creator has given them through his Son Jesus Christ and to partner with them in developing culturally significant ways to express their worship of Creator and to make him known to others. Through Rain Ministries, we will also encourage and facilitate reconciliation between Christian churches and First Nations people.

The First Nations Version New Testament is a new translation of the Sacred Scriptures by and for the Indigenous Peoples of NorthAmericans. The idea for this project began in 2002 while Terry and Darlene lived on the Hopi Indian reservation in Northern Arizona. They were looking for ways to tell the story of the Bible to Native North Americans, in a culturally relevant context. Terry had no idea that he would end up leading a group of Natives to translate the entire New Testament, but the dream has become a reality. InterVarsity Press published the first edition of the FNV New Testament on Aug. 31, 2021.

Questions? Contact Wendy Everett.