2023 Annual Giving Commitment

We are so grateful to all of you who have started or continued giving to FUMC through all the ups and downs of 2022! Thank you! Your generosity has made it possible for us to not only manage the challenges but to embrace the opportunities as we begin to imagine our church in the future.

As we kick off this year’s annual giving campaign, we invite you to prayerfully consider how you will support FUMC as we move into that future. Your pledge enables us to plan and to dream – to consider how God is calling us to be the church now and long into the future.

Now more than ever, the world needs what we as Christ-followers have to give – love, hope, peace, justice, food, shelter, healing and so much more! Please help us as we take our next faithful steps in growing the kingdom of God together!

To set up reoccurring electronic giving, go to our Online Giving page and follow the prompts.

For questions about giving, please contact Marty Javornisky.

“There are so many needs in the world…food insecurity, racial inequality, lack of shelter, human rights violations. How do we decide who needs our contribution the most? FUMC allows us to give to a trusted institution, an organization which addresses all those needs and more. It’s like one-stop shopping for the soul.”

– Nancy Quay and Sherry Marcy

“I give because I love my church home which includes our wonderful community – all those connected to our ministries – clergy, staff and the beautiful buildings. I want to contribute to the goodness and love fostered here. It’s as simple as that.”

– Elaine Shaw

family at advent

“The reason we give is that FUMC is a strong force for good in our community. We enjoy the community we feel being a part of the church and the opportunity to share God’s love in our community with anyone in need.”

– Jeff Mortimer